Casino Player Development Articles

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For those of us who’ve been around the casino industry for several years now, the question often arises as to how valuable the casino player development program really is these days. As casinos become more and more hesitant to go after the “high-rollers”, the executive hosts and player development executives question the validity of xo wallet expertise.


However, with the proliferation of local gaming, there is no question that the casino player development program is needed now more than ever. With the development of local gaming, came the frequent visitor. And with that frequent guest came more opportunities for failure of customer service delivery. Let’s face it, if we eat at the same restaurant 5 times a week, it is more likely that something might go wrong than if we only eat their 5 times a year. The same holds true for the frequent gambler these days.

Consequently, the high-end, local gambler has more of a need for an executive host to cater to his every need now more than ever. And also, the player worth has changed with the frequency of the guest as well. Even though the player may not be a “whale” on every visit, if you add up all of his frequent visits, his or her individual worth can be quite astounding. Thus, another reason for the casino player development function.

In addition, not only is there more of an opportunity for customer service breakdowns, but there is also more opportunity for the guest to split their gaming wallet. So customer loyalty becomes more of an issue than it has ever been in the history of gaming. And who is the best at achieving customer loyalty? Without a doubt, it’s the one-on-one personalized contact of the player development team that loyalizes the guest.

Casino Player Development Articles

In summary, the above is just a couple of reasons that the casino player development department will be not just an integral part of the casino marketing team, but the heartbeat of the casino for years to come.

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